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Open Source History, a Computing History

« Open Source » is a confusing notion because it's loaded with multiple sense. A word that crystallizes an entire history, marked by every period in the history of computing.

An idea which may seems simply about source code sharing that contain in reality more than 70 years of exploration into the collaborative capabilities of digital technologies.

An overview of the history is key to try to understand what is « open source » and to embrace digital collaboration potential, an important component to demystify the notion for the knowledge base « Open Source Undefined: Overview of the Digital Bazaar ».

There is a draft plan with some key dates and elements, while thinking of aspects to transmit to try to consider the pedagogical dimension of the knowledge base:

While trying to provide an understanding of source (code) sharing and digital collaboration practices over the time, the goal would be to balance with insight on computer history next to social and economical dynamics which are all shaping the phenomenon.

Current structure basis

From 40' to 60':

  • Beginning of computer and software industry, code shared was the norm with (big !) devices until 1969 IBM's software unbundling. Already nascent "open" collaboration with Grace Hopper near 1953, showing the origins of this type of practices.

From 70' to 90':

  • Beginning of software industry for more mass market microcomputers (Microsoft created in 1975), copyright application and closure of the code for business purposes. Intentionalization of code sharing through free software movement and Stallman in 80', theorization of mass collaboration practices through the Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond leading to the term « open source » in late 90'.

From 2000 till now:

  • To show open source ubiquity in modern software, its normalisation and the growing diversity of source sharing and collaboration practices, to provide some understanding of the state of « open source » in software and beyond ?

The challenge will be to highlight the origin of the concept to fuel a debate on its confusing meaning, while providing a broader knowledge of « open source ». One complexity is that the hole story relate to how computers worked initially, how the digital world and software industry evolve through their worldwide democratisation, everything being intertwined.

Open Source become difficult to grasp because it's many ideas at once, varying from one person to another, from one era to another.

How to explain « open source », why, to whom ? Any key elements to suggest or some angle to consider ?

There are various resources collected related in a Zotero (public) library to prepare this history, any good documents to suggest?

Image: Grace Hopper, creator of one of the first programming languages.

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