In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to create a robust email system using Next.js and Brevo (formerly Sendinblue). We'll build professional, responsive email templates and implement a reliable email sending system.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Setting Up Brevo
- Project Setup
- Creating Email Templates
- Implementing the API
- Testing and Troubleshooting
- Best Practices
- Conclusion
Email communication remains a crucial component of modern web applications. Whether it's order confirmations, password resets, or promotional content, having a reliable email system is essential. In this tutorial, we'll use Brevo's powerful email API with Next.js to create a professional email system.
Setting Up Brevo
First, you'll need to set up your Brevo account:
- Sign up at Brevo
- Navigate to SMTP & API section
- Generate an API key
- Add and verify your domain
// Store your API key in .env.local
Project Setup
Let's start by installing the necessary dependencies:
npm install @sendinblue/client
Creating Email Templates
We'll create reusable email templates using a modular approach. Here's an example structure:
// utils/emailRenderer.js
export function renderEmailTemplate(templateName, data) {
const sharedStyles = {
mainContainer: "font-family: Arial, sans-serif; max-width: 600px;",
header: "text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px;",
// ... more shared styles
const templates = {
orderConfirmation: ({ orderNumber, items, total }) => `
<div style="${sharedStyles.mainContainer}">
<!-- Template content -->
// ... more templates
return templates[templateName](data);
Implementing the API
Create an API route to handle email sending:
// app/api/send-email/route.js
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import * as SibApiV3Sdk from "@sendinblue/client";
import { getEmailTemplate } from "@/utils/emailUtils";
export async function POST(req) {
try {
const { toEmail, subject, templateName, templateData } = await req.json();
const htmlContent = getEmailTemplate(templateName, templateData);
const client = new SibApiV3Sdk.TransactionalEmailsApi();
const emailData = {
sender: { email: "", name: "Your Brand" },
to: [{ email: toEmail }],
subject: subject,
htmlContent: htmlContent,
// ... additional configuration
const response = await client.sendTransacEmail(emailData);
return NextResponse.json({ success: true, response });
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error sending email:", err);
return NextResponse.json(
{ error: "An error occurred while sending the email" },
{ status: 500 }
Testing Your Email System
Here's an example of how to test your email system:
// Example test payload
const testEmail = {
toEmail: "",
subject: "Welcome to Our Store!",
templateName: "orderConfirmation",
templateData: {
orderNumber: "ORD123",
items: [
name: "Product 1",
quantity: 2,
price: 29.99
total: 59.98
// Send test email
await fetch('/api/send-email', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(testEmail)
Building a professional email system with Next.js and Brevo provides a robust solution for handling all types of email communications. By following this guide, you can implement a scalable and maintainable email system for your applications.
Brevo API Documentation
Next.js Documentation
Email Template Best Practices
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