Enjoy this philosophical conversation around building code more responsibly and how ethics and accountability is to be integrated into the DevOps industry. Eric Tank joins the show and shares his perspective on how to “develop for deprecation”. Building a code that is documented, tested, monitored, and deployed is important, but can you easily pass it off to someone else, or be able to walk away from the code it entirely? Johnathan joins by saying that “software is never done until it’s deleted.” They finish the discussion referencing apprenticeship models and how accountability in this way could parallel other industries.
- Evolutionary Design Without* Tests
- Mastering Evolutionary Design - Jonathan Hall
- Twitter: Erik Tank ( @eriktank )
- Eric- GitHub: ajeetdsouza/zoxide
- Jillian- Get an elliptical for health and exercise
- Jillian- BookBub
- Jonathan- Razer Kiyo Pro Streaming Webcam
- Jonathan-Jonathan Hall's Boldly Go YouTube Channel
- Will- Pulumi
Special Guest: Erik Tank.
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