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A First Look at SvelteKit

ajcwebdev on November 07, 2020

Outline Introduction Initialize Demo App Install Dependencies and Start Development Server Project Structure HTML Entry Point...
mweissen profile image

Yes, this is a great concept. I have tried sveltekit and Snowpack is a dream. But the project is turning into a never-ending-story. When should there be a beta version? In December 2020? In January 2021? February 2021? I'm afraid by now that it will never be finished. Just like Sapper.

ajcwebdev profile image

I think it's reasonable to expect a broad picture of where a project is going and when it will be stable, but I think it's unreasonable to expect open sources projects of this nature to have specific "release dates" in the way we think of releasing traditional software.

And to your point about Sapper, I know many people with Sapper apps who are perfectly happy with them, so the idea that Sapper was "never finished" doesn't make any sense because there are projects built with Sapper that exist in the world.

The question of when the team feels like svelte-kit is polished enough to be called "1.0" or "General Availability" or whatever is going to be up to them. Only they will know when the project is in a stable state.

To me this comes with the territory of using software I'm not paying for, I'm not in a position to dictate the timeline. Asking them to put a date on it is counterproductive. Others are welcome to disagree but that's my philosophy.

jwess profile image

I followed this article but chose "yes" for TypeScript. I saw the error Error: Failed to load /_app/assets/generated/root.js: NOT_FOUND when I tried to launch, but I was able to fix this issue by making this change to snowpack.config.js:

ajcwebdev profile image

Thanks a lot, Joel! I'll make a note in the article.

asader profile image

"But to me the most significant change by far is the removal of Rollup and its replacement with Snowpack."
Only in development.

ajcwebdev profile image
ajcwebdev • Edited

Very true since you're always just shipping vanilla JS with Svelte. But these tools have become so ingrained in our development workflow this still seems significant to me.

borsemayur2 profile image
Mayur Borse

I used adapter-vercel for deploying on vercel.

ajcwebdev profile image

Very cool! Do you have a repo or link to the site you could share?

borsemayur2 profile image
Mayur Borse

It supports deployment to Netlify, Vercel or Node (default).
Set ADAPTER env variable as per deployment service.
ADAPTER=vercel // Vercel
ADAPTER=netlify // Netlify

Thread Thread
ajcwebdev profile image

Awesome, thanks for sharing!

borsemayur2 profile image
erickmarcia profile image
Erick Marcia

It gives me an error when trying to build..

ajcwebdev profile image
ajcwebdev • Edited

This project is currently in flux and it's been over a month since I updated this blog post, so it's entirely possible somebody broke something since then. Feel free to post your error in your comment and maybe we can help figure it out.

erickmarcia profile image
Erick Marcia
clozach profile image
Chris Lozac'h

Remember, you have to whisper when you say Snowpack.
