DEV Community

Andrei Borisov
Andrei Borisov

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🧽 Clean fish shell command history from typos automatically

Don't you hate it when you spend half an hour searching for a command through your shell history (you know it's there, you entered it two months ago yourself!), you finally find it and happily press Enter only to realize two seconds later... it's not that one, it's another one you'd entered just before that, the one with the typo. Ugh. Awful. Ungodly. Unproductive. Your day is ruined... unless you use Sponge.

That's it. Sponge is a little plugin for the fish shell that runs in the background and keeps your history clean from typos, incorrectly used commands, and something you don't want to store due to privacy reasons.

Check out Sponge on GitHub and feel free to make suggestions or raise an issue!

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