Git Cheatsheet
Add GIT Credentials in VS Code
- Install Git.
- Open VS Code and check with
git --version
. -
Set your email:
git config --global ""
Set your username:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global --list
Common Git Commands
git clone <repository-url>
- Clone a repository. -
git status
- Check the status of files. -
git add .
- Add all files to staging. -
git add <file>
- Add a specific file to staging. -
git commit -m "message"
- Commit changes. -
git commit --amend
- Modify the last commit message or content. -
git push origin <branch>
- Push to a remote repository. -
git pull
- Fetch and merge changes from remote. -
git fetch
- Fetch changes from remote without merging. -
git merge <branch>
- Merge another branch into your current branch. -
git log
- View commit history. -
git reset --hard <commit-id>
- Reset to a specific commit and discard all changes. -
git reset <file>
- Unstage a file. -
git stash
- Temporarily save changes. -
git stash pop
- Apply stashed changes. -
git diff
- Show changes not staged for commit. -
git diff --staged
- Show changes that are staged for commit. -
git reflog
- Show the history of references (e.g., HEAD). -
git show <commit-id>
- Show changes from a specific commit. -
git switch <branch-name>
- Switch to another branch (replacesgit checkout
for easier branch switching). -
git switch -c <new-branch-name>
- Create and switch to a new branch (simplified alternative togit checkout -b
). -
git merge --no-ff <branch-name>
- Perform a merge with a merge commit, even if the merge could be fast-forwarded. -
git reset <commit-id>
- Undo changes and move the HEAD to a specific commit. -
git cherry-pick <commit-id>
- Apply changes from a specific commit from another branch. -
git tag
- List tags. -
git tag <tag-name>
- Create a tag at the current commit. -
git push --tags
- Push tags to the remote repository. -
git fetch -p
- Prune remote-tracking branches that no longer exist. -
git clean -fd
- Remove untracked files and directories. -
git remote -v
- Show remote repositories. -
git remote add <name> <url>
- Add a remote repository. -
git remote remove <name>
- Remove a remote repository. -
git remote set-url <name> <new-url>
- Change the remote repository URL. -
git push --force-with-lease
- Force push with a safety check to avoid overwriting others' changes. -
git pull --rebase
- Fetch changes from remote and apply your commits on top of them.
Branch Management
git branch
- List branches. -
git branch <branch-name>
- Create a new branch. -
git branch -d <branch-name>
- Delete a local branch. -
git branch -D <branch-name>
- Force delete a local branch. -
git checkout -b <branch-name>
- Create and switch to a new branch. -
git switch -c <branch-name>
- Create and switch to a new branch. -
git checkout <branch-name>
- Switch to an existing branch. -
git push origin --delete <branch-name>
- Delete a remote branch. -
git fetch -p
- Clean up remote tracking branches. -
git branch -m <old-name> <new-name>
- Rename a branch. -
git branch -v
- View the last commit on each branch. -
git branch -r
- List all remote branches. -
git push -u origin <branch-name>
- Push a new branch to remote. -
git merge <branch-name>
- Merge a branch into the current branch. -
git cherry-pick <commit-id>
- Apply a specific commit from another branch.
git tag
- List all tags. -
git tag <tag-name>
- Create a new tag. -
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "message"
- Create an annotated tag. -
git push origin <tag-name>
- Push a tag to the remote. -
git push --tags
- Push all tags to the remote. -
git tag -d <tag-name>
- Delete a local tag. -
git push origin --delete <tag-name>
- Delete a remote tag.
git remote -v
- List remote repositories. -
git remote add <name> <url>
- Add a new remote repository. -
git remote remove <name>
- Remove a remote repository. -
git remote set-url <name> <new-url>
- Change the remote repository URL. -
git pull --rebase
- Fetch changes and reapply your commits on top. -
git push --force
- Force push changes to the remote branch.
Undoing Changes
git reset
- Undo changes in the staging area. -
git reset <file>
- Unstage a file. -
git revert <commit-id>
- Revert changes introduced by a commit. -
git clean -fd
- Remove untracked files and directories.
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