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Ankit malik
Ankit malik

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How to Replace Characters in a String in Golang

String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of programming, and Go (Golang) provides a straightforward and efficient way to work with strings. Sometimes, you may need to replace specific characters within a string to modify or clean up the data. In this article, we will explore various methods to replace characters in a string using Go.

1. Using strings.Replace()

One of the simplest ways to replace characters in a string is by using the strings.Replace() function from the standard library. The function signature is as follows:

func Replace(s, old, new string, n int) string
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  • s: The original string in which the replacement will occur.
  • old: The substring to be replaced.
  • new: The replacement substring.
  • n: The maximum number of replacements to perform (use -1 to replace all occurrences).

Here's an example of how to use strings.Replace():

package main

import (

func main() {
    originalString := "Hello, Dev Users! Golang is awesome!"
    replacedString := strings.Replace(originalString, "Golang", "Go", -1)


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Output for strings.Replace()

In this example, all occurrences of "Golang" in the originalString will be replaced with "Go," resulting in the output: "Hello, Gophers! Go is awesome!"

2. Using bytes.Replace()

If you're dealing with large strings or need better performance, using bytes.Replace() might be more efficient. This function is similar to strings.Replace() but works with byte slices rather than strings.

func Replace(s, old, new []byte, n int) []byte
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Here's an example of how to use bytes.Replace():

package main

import (

func main() {
    originalBytes := []byte("Hello Golang and Dev Users! Golang is awesome!")
    oldBytes := []byte("Golang")
    newBytes := []byte("Go")

    replacedBytes := bytes.Replace(originalBytes, oldBytes, newBytes, -1)

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Output for bytes.Replace() function

3. Using strings.Map()

Another approach to replace characters in a string is by using the strings.Map() function. This method allows you to define a mapping function that will be applied to each character in the string.

func Map(mapping func(rune) rune, s string) string
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Here's an example of how to use strings.Map() to replace specific characters:

package main

import (

func main() {
    originalString := "Hello, Dev Users! Golang is awesome and we should use Goalng!"
    replacedString := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
        if r == 'G' {
            return 'g' // Replace 'G' with 'g'
        return r // Keep other characters unchanged
    }, originalString)

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Run code:

Output for strings.Map() function


In this article, we explored different techniques to replace characters in a string using Go. Depending on your requirements and performance considerations, you can choose between strings.Replace(), bytes.Replace(), or strings.Map() to accomplish the task. String manipulation is a powerful tool in your programming arsenal, and Go's standard library provides robust functions to make it easier. Happy coding!

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