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Soumak Dutta
Soumak Dutta

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Understanding higher-order functions with map & reduce in JavaScript

Higher Order Functions

Higher order functions are a hot topic in functional programming. It's used by most of us without knowing it. So in this article, I will clear all confusion about higher-order functions.

In JavaScript functions are treated as objects. They can be assigned to a variable, passed as a parameter and returned from a function. So we called them first-class objects.

So, A higher-order functions are functions that received functions as a parameter or return functions as output.

That means we can pass a function as a parameter to another function. Like..

const foo = call => call();

const sayHi = () => "hi";

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Here we pass sayHi function to foo function as an argument. This approach is also called callback.

Also we can return function as output. Like..

const foo = () => () => "Hi";

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Here we return an anonymous function from function foo.

Now we have understood higher-order functions, we could learn some higher order functions built into Javascript.


The map is an higher order array function. It takes a callback function and the function will called for each element in the array. It will return an entirely new array.

Syntax of map function., index, array) => {})
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Let's take an example.

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const newArr = => num * 2);

newArr  // 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
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Here we call the function for each number and return the number multiplying 2 with it.

Note: Map doesn't change the actual array. Instead it creates a new array with modified values.


Reduce is also a higher order function. But unlike map it call the callback for each element and return a single reduced value.

Syntax of reduce function.

array.reduce((accumulator, current, index, array) => {}, initialValue)
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Let's take an example.

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const sum = arr.reduce((total, num) => total += num, 0);

sum  // 15
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Here, we find the sum in a list of numbers. Sum is the accumulator. We initialize it with 0 and return the sum.

We can make use of the accumulator to calculate any type of value in an array.

We can calculate the minimum number from a list. Like..

const are = [5,7,3,9,6,3];

const minimum = arr.reduce((min,num) => min < num ? min : num)
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So, use map if you want to modify each element in an array. And use reduce when you want to reduce the array to a single value.

I hope you learn something new in this article. Thanks for reading.

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