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Ayinde Jamiu
Ayinde Jamiu

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Sports API System with Amazon ECS and API Gateway


This project demonstrates the creation of a containerized API management system for querying real-time sports data. The system uses Amazon ECS (Fargate) for container orchestration, Amazon API Gateway for RESTful endpoints, and integrates seamlessly with an external Sports API. The implementation emphasizes best practices in cloud computing, including API management, container orchestration, and secure AWS service integration.


Sports API Key

Register for a free account at and obtain your API key for accessing sports data.

AWS Account

Ensure you have an active AWS account. Familiarity with ECS, API Gateway, Docker, and Python is recommended.


Install and configure the AWS CLI to enable programmatic interaction with AWS services.

*Docker CLI and Desktop

Install Docker CLI and Docker Desktop to build and push container images efficiently.

Project Structure

Image description

Now, let us begin

create a new directory
mkdir containerized-sports-api

Move into the directory
cd containerized-sports-api

Clone my repository
git clone

create ECR repository
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sports-api --region us-east-1

Authenticate Build and Push the Docker Image
`aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t sports-api .
docker tag sports-api:latest
docker push`

Note: Replace with your AWS Account Id.

After pushing, your screen should be like this

Image description

Setup ECS Cluster with Fargate

Create an ECS Cluster:

Go to the ECS Console → Clusters → Create Cluster

Name your Cluster (sports-api-cluster)

For Infrastructure, select Fargate, then create Cluster

Create a Task definition

Go to Task Definitions → Create New Task Definition

Name your task definition (sports-api-task)

For Infrastructure, select Fargate

Add the container:

Name your container (sports-api-container)

Image URI: go to ECR and check out the private repo. You can find image URI over there.

Container Port: 8080

Protocol: TCP

Port Name: Leave Blank

App Protocol: HTTP

Define Environment Variables:



*Create task definition

Run the Service with an ALB

Go to Clusters → Select Cluster → Service → Create.

Capacity provider: Fargate

Select Deployment configuration family (sports-api-task)

Name your service (sports-api-service)

Desired tasks: 2

Networking: Create new security group

Networking Configuration:

Type: All TCP

Source: Anywhere

Load Balancing: Select Application Load Balancer (ALB).

ALB Configuration:

Create a new ALB:

Name: sports-api-alb

Target Group health check path: "/sports"

Create service

Test the ALB

After deploying the ECS service, note the DNS name of the ALB (e.g.,

Confirm the API is accessible by visiting the ALB DNS name in your browser and adding /sports at end (e.g,

Image description

Configure API Gateway
Create a New REST API:
Go to API Gateway Console → Create API → REST API
Name the API (e.g., Sports API Gateway)
Set Up Integration:
Create a resource /sports
Create a GET method
Choose HTTP Proxy as the integration type
Enter the DNS name of the ALB that includes "/sports" (e.g.
Deploy the API:
Deploy the API to a stage (e.g., dev)
Note the endpoint URL

Image description

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