If you've worked with CSS, you've probably seen colors represented as hex values. But how on earth does #EC152E give us the color red? With a little dose of math, we show you how to represent millions of colors in hex values and how those correlate to RGB values. We also dig into the color theory behind those values. Based on Vaidehi Joshi's second blog post, "Hexes and Other Magical Numbers". A huge thank you to Twilio for sponsoring this season of the show!
Call the Base.cs Podcast Hotline
We set up a hotline using Twilio and we want you to leave us a note! Text 240-650-9856 and tell us your favorite hexspeak words (It's ok, you can look them up!). We'll read our favorites on the podcast, and if we pick yours, we'll send you a beautiful, hand-drawn postcard from Vaidehi!
Vaidehi Joshi (co-host)
Vaidehi is a writer and an engineer at Tilde, where she works on Skylight. She's the creator of basecs, a weekly writing series that explores the fundamentals of computer science.
Saron Yitbarek (co-host)
Saron is a developer, podcaster, founder of CodeNewbie, and host of the CodeNewbie Podcast.
CodeNewbie is the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. They produce the CodeNewbie Podcast and the annual Codeland conference. Follow them on twitter @CodeNewbies. For more info, checkout www.codenewbie.org