Vim, a text editor for writing code where you navigate around the screen with your keyboard instead of a mouse.
It's based on the original Unix tex...
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I've been using Vim for 25 years. I can't figured out how to quit.
I can't even make a "hello world" using Vim, give me one week cus I'll figure out
😂 I got lost in VIM in the beginning and was initially scared to go back in for fear I might not get out.
Can you please tell me how to download a vim plugin?
the manual way needs a lot of commands, you can instead setup something like VimPlug and then just name the github repository and vimplug will download it for you.
here's the repository for it
You can install it manually (which require vim script and boring stuff) or use a plugin manager for Vim, I recommend vim-plug (github.com/junegunn/vim-plug)
Friends have answered already, I arrived late :)
I've been using Vim almost one year. At first it was a painful, really, but right now I don't feel comfortable using another Text Editor. Anytime I try to scape from Vim, end up trying to use the keyboard shortcuts learned in Vim😂
I know what you mean :)
Use vscode vim plugin to get vim key bindings in Vscode
Yes I tried it too, but my machine is very old and vscode takes a lot of time to just start up. That's one of the reason I started with Vim, given the fast start up and performance in general. I'm not saying that vscode is slow. It is just that when you have vscode, Postman, Chrome, maybe another Electron based application, all at the same time opened is not so pleasure. My machine start crying 😭😭😭. And having this three application opened is not so uncommon or at least not for a web developer.
The feature I look for is a good debugger tool like vscode. I have to editin vim editor but then open vscode to debug. I found out vimspector but it has some crashes does not perform very well. Does anyone know a good debug tool for vim?
Depends on what language you are coding, I write python code and I find the python debugger being enough.
I totally agree with you, I myself don't use VIM in writing code, but for editing and only when needed, otherwise i use VScode
/sThis is like asking "would you ever want to code on a desktop PC in 2021 if you have a lot of easy to use smartphones?"
I've used vim as my one and only editor for years now and I wouldn't trade it for anything else (even stuff that has vim bindings, honestly).
I understand you, totally
I myself started to code in Basic language in 1989 on my ATARI 800xl, and I got used to work solely with a keyboard, then with the appearance of Ms-DOS I was feeling very comfortable, and when I started working on win 3.1 , I had no idea what I am doing - so I understand perfectly being attached to a keyboard :) - cheers
I 💗 VIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!