DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you reward junior devs that are kicking ass?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
  • Acknowledge that they are hitting all the checkmarks—even if describing them is vague.
  • Ask about what's still stressing them out and ensure that is normal.
josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez

I like that second point.

Sometimes we need re-assurance, especially at the beginning of any journey.

Negative thoughts can take over:

  • (Self doubt) Am I cut out to be a developer?
  • (Lack of feedback) What am I doing right?
  • (Self-criticism) Am I stupid for not solving that bug really fast?
  • (Comparison) Why can I get it as fast as my co-worker?
  • (Fear)I can't ask that question, I'll look dumb and my peers might tell less