DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (August 20 edition)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Of course, we'd love help with

We are a Rails app using Preact on the frontend.

thepracticaldev /

Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow


DEV Community πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

The Human Layer of the Stack

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Welcome to the codebase. We are so excited to have you. With your help, we can build out DEV to be more stable and better serve our community.

What is (or just DEV) is a platform where software developers write articles, take part in discussions, and build their professional profiles. We value supportive and constructive dialogue in the pursuit of great code and career growth for all members. The ecosystem spans from beginner to advanced developers, and all are welcome to find their place within our community. ❀️

Table of Contents

Many folks from the community have chipped in so far, but this is just the beginning.

We're also working on native, iOS is closest and getting most of my attention on this front (mostly because PWA works way better on Android)

thepracticaldev / DEV-ios

DEV Community iOS App

Build Status

DEV iOS πŸ’–

This is the repo for the iOS app. It is still a work in progress, but getting there!

Design ethose

We will grow to include more native code over time, but for now we are taking the approach of native shell/web views. This approach lost favor early in iOS days, but I believe it is a very valid approach these days. It is inspired by how Basecamp does things. Our tech stack is a bit different, but the ideas are the same.

By leveraging wkwebviews as much as possible, I think we can make this all pretty awesome and sync up with our web dev work pretty smoothly. And where it makes sense, we can re-implement certain things fully native, or build entirely native features. Life's a journey, not a destination.


  1. Fork and clone the project.
  2. Install Carthage. If…