DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (October 29th edition)

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Ben Halpern

We are looking to release our open source iOS app soon, if anyone wants to jump in and iron out some usability issues:

thepracticaldev / DEV-ios

DEV Community iOS App

Build Status GitHub License Language

DEV iOS πŸ’–

This is the repo for the iOS app. It is still a work in progress, but getting there!

Design ethos

We will grow to include more native code over time, but for now we are taking the approach of native shell/web views. This approach lost favor early in iOS days, but I believe it is a very valid approach these days. It is inspired by how Basecamp does things. Our tech stack is a bit different, but the ideas are the same.

By leveraging wkwebviews as much as possible, I think we can make this all pretty awesome and sync up with our web dev work pretty smoothly. And where it makes sense, we can re-implement certain things fully native, or build entirely native features. Life's a journey, not a destination.


  1. Fork and clone the project.
  2. Install Carthage. If…