DatoCMS is an amazing Headless CMS. I wrote already in the past how to integrate it into your Ruby On Rails application, and today I want to show you how to implement a real blog mimicking what is already done for other frameworks, for example nextjs.
Create a Dato project
You can clone the existing template for this tutorial. This template will setup all the models you need on Dato and create some blog posts.
Head to the Project Settings and save your GraphQL API Token for later.
Setup Rails App
Our Rails 8 application is set up using a simple rails new dato-blog
command. In a few seconds you'll have your Rails 8 app ready and you can start it with bin/dev
You can now include the dato-rails
gem in your Gemfile and set the API token in your credentials as dato.api_token
You can finally write a simple test to verify that the installation is successful:
# test/models/dato_queries_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class DatoQueriesTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_homepage_query
homepage_query =
GQLi::DSL.query do
allPosts {
client = Dato::Client.new
response = client.execute(homepage_query)
assert_not_empty response.data.allPosts
What this test does, is to run a GraphQL Query and test the connection to DatoCMS.
You can always head to the CDA Playground in DatoCMS to create new queries.
Simple styling
Let's also set up Bootstrap for some simple, default styles. The Dato Rails integration does not provide any CSS, so you can easily integrate your favorite CSS Framework.
You can add Bootstrap in your application.html.erb
to have some styling:
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container">
<%= yield %>
Blog Post Page
Head to the Blog Example to see a Preview of the website we want to build. We will start with the single Blog Post page and then we will implement the Homepage.
The first thing you need is the query to fetch a single blog post.
You can create a models/dato_queries.rb
file to include your queries.
# models/dato_queries.rb
module DatoQueries
def homepage_query
GQLi::DSL.query do
allPosts {
def blog_post_query(slug)
GQLi::DSL.query do
post(filter: { slug: { eq: slug } }) {
author {
Before digging further, let's test it:
# test/models/dato_queries_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class DatoQueriesTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
include DatoQueries
def test_homepage_query
client = Dato::Client.new
response = client.execute(homepage_query)
assert_not_empty response.data.allPosts
def test_blog_post_query
client = Dato::Client.new
response = client.execute(blog_post_query('mistakes-tourists-make-on-their-first-trip-abroad'))
assert_not_empty response.data.post.title
Now that we have the queries, we need to implement the page.
Head to your routes.rb and add
resources :blog_posts, only: [:show], param: :slug
and our controller will look like this:
# app/controllers/blog_posts_controller.rb
class BlogPostsController < ApplicationController
include DatoQueries
def show
response = blog_post_query(params[:slug])
render BlogPostComponent.new(response.data)
here is a simple implementation of the BlogPostComponent that renders the blog post.
# app/components/blog_post_component.rb
class BlogPostComponent < Dato::BaseComponent
# app/components/blog_post_component.html.erb
<h1><%= data.post.title %></h1>
You can now head to http://localhost:3000/blog_posts/mistakes-tourists-make-on-their-first-trip-abroad to see your post title.
You now rendered content from DatoCMS into your Rails Application. Let's add the header image now.
The first thing we need to do is to fetch the image from Dato. Our query will become:
def blog_post_query(slug)
GQLi::DSL.query do
post(filter: { slug: { eq: slug } }) {
author {
coverImage {
responsiveImage(imgixParams: { fm: :jpg, fit: :crop, w: 2000, h: 1000 }) {
___ Dato::Fragments::ResponsiveImage
offers a GraphQL fragment to fetch images from DatoCMS in the right format to be displayed. Read more about it on DatoCMS. We are fetching the coverImage and using the existing ResponsiveImage fragment provided by dato-rails
to get all the data we need.
With this updated query, we can now display the header image.
# app/components/blog_post_component.html.erb
<h1><%= data.post.title %></h1>
<div class="d-flex">
<span class="mr-auto"><%= data.post.author.name %></span>
<%= render Dato::ResponsiveImage.new(data.post.coverImage.responsiveImage) %>
From now on, you can look at the component code and the query code on the Github Repository to see the final version.
Rendering the Homepage has nothing special at this point. You can check the Github Repo for the final code, but you basically need a root in your routes.rb, a controller, a new component, and a query.
# app/config/routes.rb
root "homepage#show"
# app/controllers/homepage_controller.rb
class HomepageController < ApplicationController
include DatoQueries
def show
render HomepageComponent.new(homepage_query)
Preview mode
We have the following concepts:
- graphQL Query: logic to fetch data
- controller: responsible for choosing a query and using it to renderer a component
- component: responsible for the view logic.
DatoCMS offers a preview mode. You are responsible of deciding how and when a preview is displayed, this can be enabled for specific users of your application, or with a secret token in the URL. In our example we will use the preview parameter of the URL.
You can change the BlogPostsController as follows:
render Dato::Wrapper.new(BlogPostComponent, blog_post_query(params[:slug]), preview: params[:preview])
to enable preview rendering when the preview parameter is passed.
Head to http://localhost:3000/blog_posts/mistakes-tourists-make-on-their-first-trip-abroad?preview=true
and you will see the Draft version of your Blog Post. You can edit it on DatoCMS and see the new version until you publish it.
Live mode
The second, interesting feature is live mode so you don't need to manually refresh your Browser window anymore. Similar to what we did before change your controller in:
render Dato::Wrapper.new(BlogPostComponent, blog_post_query(params[:slug]), preview: params[:preview], live: params[:live])
to enable preview rendering when the preview parameter is passed.
This is a very important topic since we don't want to hit DatoCMS every time we render a Blog Post page. The Dato::Wrapper
component that you used previously will take care also of this and will cache the entire rendered component so that subsequent calls to the same page will be instant and will not require invoking DatoCMS again.
There are cases where you might not be using Dato::Wrapper
, for such cases you can use the method data = execute_dato_query(your_query)
to cache your query results automatically or directly Dato::Cache.fetch { ... }
method similar to how you would use the Rails cache.
You should then configure Dato to automatically expire the cache when you publish your changes. Read more about it the README.
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