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Discussion on: This is how I turned my old laptop into a server.

cristaldo profile image
Rafael Cristaldo

The root password ?

beskiriyan profile image
Riyan Beski

No the password to connect with the server

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cristaldo profile image
Rafael Cristaldo

Be more specific...which service password are talking about?
Webaccess ? Owncloud? Webadmin? Which user are you using with ?

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beskiriyan profile image
Riyan Beski

If I try to connect with my server with my root password it says permission denied. What to do?

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cristaldo profile image
Rafael Cristaldo

As I ask you, Is your root password ?
What kind of access are you trying to do?
For example, ssh?
Can you access your server with ssh using root password ?
Can you access your server via console with the root user and password?
You can login from console but not from ssh connection?

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beskiriyan profile image
Riyan Beski

Thanks. But I figured out my problem and now I'm able to connect

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cristaldo profile image
Rafael Cristaldo

We just need to understand if you forgot your root password OR you only don't have permission to login via ssh.
If the problem is only when trying to login via ssh, it's easy to solve from sshd config file.
If you forgot the root password, you have to broke it by booting from grub with edit option (E) in the kernel line writing in the end of the line init=/bin/bash and doing chroot on root partition to be able to change your root password.
There are many posts on internet showing how to proceed with this.

beskiriyan profile image
Riyan Beski

Can you explain me. How to connect to my server from other networks.

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cristaldo profile image
Rafael Cristaldo

When you say "From other networks" I guess you are saying "Connect to your server through the Internet".
You have a server at home and want to connect to it from anywhere. You have to configure port forwarding into your ISP Router/Modem.
For example:
1) At your server configure SSH service listening 2222 port in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Restart the ssh service
If you have a firewall you have to configure this port to be allowed with TCP protocol

2) At your Router/Modem ISP appliance, you have to login into it and look for "Forwarding ports"
configure all incomming connection to the 2225/tcp port TO be redirect to your Server IP:2222/tcp...ex: port 2222 (SSH)
Remember to configure your IP Address as a static mode.

If you use no-ip, it's simple to remember your domain name. So you just have to try to connect
ssh -p 2225
The Router will redirect inside your server.
There are many good documents on the internet showing this kind of setup.