As my career has progressed I have filling a number of roles; backend(LEMP), then team lead, then Dev(Sec)Ops. The few times I needed frontend effo...
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Vue Router and Vuex (for state management). I also use Vuetify a lot.
Vue-Apollo is also great for working with GraphQL inside Vue.
Love Vuetify. Really nice package
You should try out quasar framework also.
Wow! Looks awesome
I just tried Vue-Apollo for about 7 minutes, and it was very easy to get started + it worked as I expected. I like it!
Vuetifyjs looks amazing. A Material design UI library was one of the first thing I looked for when VueJS caught my eye. Thank you for sharing.
Vuex is the Killer Feature for me, and I find vue-i18n to be pretty useful.
vue-confetti 🎊
vue-overdrive 🤖
vue-socket.io ⚡
vuex-persistedstate 💾
Vuex - Awesome state manager;
Buefy or Vuetify - For some pretty UI components like navbars, buttons, grid and more;
Oh, the Vue DevTools for Chrome is also pretty handy to debug components
DevTools FTW! Nothing makes learning a new tool / language than a good debugger and trace tool.
I prefer Quasar. Especially now when v1 is released. I was surprised how big is the Quasar team.
I recommend you to have a look at its amazing documentation or you can spend 12$ on Udemy - Cross-Platform VueJS Vuex & Firebase Apps.
Subscribe to the newsletter to receive monthly expert tips and tricks to extend your Quasar expertise.
I liked Quasar for the UI components. I haven't used it for a while and they've rev'd a few times since, but it was great back then and probably better now.
It's only Vue UI framework I use every time.
Nuxt, Vuelidate, Vuepress
Element UI
That Element UI looks nice!
We've got a fairly forms-heavy app, and I've found Vee-Validate and Vuex-Map-Fields to be an enormous help.
Vuex-persist or vuex-presistant. Either one you use. I still don't know why persistance has to be a plugin
Because HTTP is stateless
I don't understand
Not a library but I think it is worth noting how awesome the Vue developer tools are for Chrome 🔥
Besides that, i like vue2-hammer, which is a wrapper for hammer, and vue-lazyload, which defers image loading until they come above the hold.
Vuex-ORM with Plugin-GraphQL is amazing :)
And Vuetify of course.
this helped me a lot and made life so much easiger.
Oh, thats pretty neat. Thank you for the share jan.
I'm looking at Vuetify and Quasar to use as UI framework, but I need IE11 support.
Both frameworks say they have, but can anyone confirm that it's actually properly supported?
Yeah quasar supports IE, I'm not sure vuetify because I don't use it.
Vuetify works in IE11, you just run into normal IE problems when using it.
Vuex is definitely number one!
Check out my vuex-plus library. It allows for vuex module instances and automatic vuex hot reloading
I find vue-2-dropzone and vue-tables-2 (for the server table) extremely useful
Hey please help me
How can I integrate ccavenue with Vuejs and Laravel