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Divyanshu Shekhar
Divyanshu Shekhar

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Redis Commands

Hey there, Redis enthusiasts! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of Redis commands. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into Redis, a blazing-fast in-memory data structure store, and explore its powerful commands that allow you to manipulate data with ease.

Whether you’re a seasoned Redis user or a curious learner, this blog will equip you with the knowledge you need to harness Redis’s full potential. So, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage and let’s get started!

Before you get started don’t forget to install redis on your machine.

A Quick Overview of Redis

Redis is an open-source, NoSQL, key-value store that has gained immense popularity for its exceptional speed, versatility, and simplicity. It serves as an advanced data structure server, offering a plethora of data manipulation capabilities that go beyond traditional key-value stores.

Redis uses an in-memory data storage approach, making it lightning-fast for read and write operations. It also supports persistence, allowing you to save your data to disk and recover it later, ensuring both speed and durability.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s delve into the exciting world of Redis commands!

Redis revolves around keys, and this category focuses on key manipulation commands. Some key commands include:

Redis SET and GET Commands

The SET command is used to set a key-value pair in Redis.

The syntax is as follows:

SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]
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SET greeting "Hello, Redis!"
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The GET command is used to retrieve the value of a key.


GET key
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Here’s an example of how to use the Redis GET command to retrieve the value we set earlier:

GET greeting
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Redis EXPIRE Command

The EXPIRE command is used to set a timeout on a key. The syntax is as follows:

EXPIRE key seconds
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Here’s an example of how to use the EXPIRE command to set a timeout of 10 seconds on the “greeting” key we set earlier:

EXPIRE greeting 10
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Redis INCR and DECR Commands

The INCR command is used to increment the value of a key by one. If the key doesn’t exist, it’s set to 0 before performing the operation. The syntax is as follows:

INCR key
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Here’s an example of how to use the INCR command to increment the value of a key:

SET counter 0
INCR counter
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The DECR command is used to decrement the value of a key by one. If the key doesn’t exist, it’s set to 0 before performing the operation. The syntax is as follows:

DECR key

Here’s an example of how to use the DECR command to decrement the value of a key:

SET counter 10
DECR counter
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Read full from the original blog: Redis Commands. Find the blog on Google: Redis Commands.

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