After building my career in HRIS, I've really taken for granted all the terminology I've gained through industry experience. What once felt easy to...
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hypermedia, if you're not doing hypermedia you're not doing web development
the only thing that is "web" is hypermedia; there is no such thing as a "non-hypermedia web". you have to mention REST, there is no such thing as a "non-RESTful web"
because hypermedia for the first time introduced something that paper cannot do
this read like satire to me lol
it's not. have you read fielding at all, actually?
yes, REST is chill. in fact, it grounds itself on timbl's cool uris don't change.
the chillest
So pre-REST SOAP and e.g. post-REST GraphQL are not 'web'? Somebody should let history know, because it seems to disagree.
what's the ontological or conceptual argument? because the point you're making is incomplete. "the web fundamentally is a distributed hypermedia application." those techs are hardly relevant to the DEFINITION of the web. do you even have a definition you're working from?
have you read amundsen, et al? seriously. you're just namedropping technology without any meaningful position.
the web is not software. why are you conflating software dev with web dev? your opinion isnt based on anything meaningful. because i use graphql? they are totally separare concerns.
the web is about hypermedia. please actually read the people writing about this stuff instead of pointing to vague moments in history which doesn't speak for itself.
I know you likely mean well, but please note that your tone here has the certitude and inflexibility that you generally find in a so-called 'fanboi' or other kind of dogmatist. The fact that you've posted twice as many comments so far as the rest of the commenters combined, also adds to that impression.
The internet is written text, and tone is a difficult thing in written text so I will assume that you don't want to actually be as belittling as you come across in this discussion.
As to REST, if you were to just mention hypermedia, then you have a point, but the term 'ReST' comes from Roy Fielding's dissertation, and the web precedes that paper substantially.
first off, i said please. second off, being certain doesn't make one wrong and being forceful with one's claims as claims, especially when i am using "meaningful", etc. in particular sense.
you're whining
the point is that ReST continues the ontological foundations from timbl's URI. i have already demonstrated that i know this history. stop wasting my time with asinine whining grounded in respectability politics. i do not respect you just because both use this site
and as an afropessimist, i find it bold for you to drag me into diagnostic turns about "meaning well".
by my blackness i have been made by your jeffersons and lincolns and reagans to be incapable of anything but destroy the world
so miss me with that tone bullshit. cite something or step down
hell, even fielding ridiculed all of you for reading a made up "broken manual" that he complained he needed to fix.
that is an indictment orders of magnitude greater than simply pointing out historically, semantically, and ontologically grounded arguments based in fact and knowledge.
if you want to talk about respectability, why don't you go abolish capitalism or the prison industry, or build actually respectful systems based on REST because you literally cannot spell respect without rest idgaf how it sounds to you, honestly. the extent of your position is tone policing... in this economy? lmao
informing people that the definition of the web involves hypermedia and if you dont mention it, because literal BDFLs said it and you ignore it. i honestly do not care about a bunch of developers feelings about a man's work they neglected and abandoned any way. that is more offensive than my tone.
your priorities are inane
excuse me, misunderstood, neglected, abandoned and redefined and renamed to the point of making the original author belittle an entire industry for illiteracy LMAO
now apparently people think graphql is some alternative rofl Jesus Christ
ok let's talk about respect. how many gentrified neighborhoods are there in your city? how many black lives are you respecting in real terms since black men and boys are experiencing genocidal levels of death and dying. let's shift gears and not whim about oh no, someone informed me i dont know the definition of the thing people have worked their lives on and somehow i got this degraded concept and somehow no one even connects hypermedia and the web anymore. somebody needs to offend your complacency. because everywhere else in life i have to suffer the ridiculousness of this racist white supremacy and patriarchy while you get to dismiss me as an "ideologue" since i'm not some milquetoast noob? wtf do you want from me. either build REST or fix a real problem, but tone? i do not care what some random internet person thinks "good tone" means given the wealth of other problems in the world and given WHAT has been said and what i am actually talking about.
i'll leave being gentle and kind to amundsen and others. i'm pissed, black and getting fucked by you people who love to tone police and hear the sound of your own voices relative to the lack of actual information you actually contribute to the mode of discourse
Great stuff! :)