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Day 3 : We On

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got my laptop! We on, right? Not so fast. Of course, with my luck, I ran into some issues setting it up. Got to give huge props to the Vonage Support Squad for helping me out. I guess it takes some time for me to propagate through the system. It took a while, but the important thing is that I'm set up! While getting my laptop in order, I reviewed another tutorial for a new product. It was similar to the coding challenge I did when I applied for my position. Took me a little longer than I would like, but going back and forth from the tutorial and Support slowed me down a little. After reviewing the tutorial and completing my notes, I tried to get a project running locally on my new laptop. Followed all the instructions, everything was going as expected and got it running, but when I went to localhost in the browser...Nope! Did some research on the error... looks like it could be an issue with the version of Rails or something. I've got some possible solutions, but it was the end of the day and I wanted to run them by my manager first.

  • Personal : Looks like my feed doesn't update immediately once I post a blog. Even though I posted my blog early in the morning, I didn't see it in my feed's endpoint through out the day when I checked. I was tired and didn't really look into it.

Lofoten Islands, Norway photo
Looking at my site's logs, it seems that updates a blog's feed once a day. Maybe the more you post, the quicker it will update? At least it's working and my site is able to pull my latest blog post and display it. Looked pretty good as well. (Plug: You can view my site at haha) That means, even though I post this today, it probably won't show up on my site til tomorrow. I'll have to look into it more.

Got up pretty early because my group was having a session for a coworker to practice an upcoming talk and get feedback. They are in another part of the world so it was super early for me. I didn't have to attend, but I wanted to see how it would go. It was cool to see everyone support each other with things like talk preparation. Also, I got some tips on how I could improve my own presentations.

Probably going to go back to sleep. haha

Looking at my schedule, there's a lot happening today, so I better rest up! haha

There's a meetup later today that I'd like to check out. I still want to work on getting my site to load faster by refactoring some code.

Have a great day!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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