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Discussion on: Should Frontend Devs Care About Performance??

ecyrbe profile image
ecyrbe • Edited

Hi Adam

Nice article again. I'll summarize for the Lazy:

  • Do not optimize early, if at all if there's no issue
  • Focus on maintainability over optimisation

I'll add, if you start having front-end Time issues, that you should mesure or add tooling to mesure easily (automate lighthouse reporting, activate flamegraphs). and optimize only problematic parts of your reports.

Nowadays, the biggest perf issues i face are not related to algorithms. But on front-end monolith being so big that webpack can take like 20 mn to package all the bundles (working on a really Big app). Vite JS is not an option, as we have too much legacy that vite can't even compile the project. Optimizing this kind of front-end issue is much harder.
So nowadays, i'm doing micro front-end to slim the Monster down. Module federation is a really nice pièce of technology.
I wrote a small article about it yesterday if you are interested.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

Agreed. And module federation is indeed a wonderful feature.

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