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Discussion on: 5 JavaScript "tips" that might bite you back.

eecolor profile image

Note that your ordering is a bit weird. You could do this (swap b and a in the reduce):

function union(...arrays) {
  return arrays.reduce((result, x) => [...result, ...x], [])
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thepeoplesbourgeois profile image

Every single time I use reduce, I forget how whichever language I'm using it in organizes either its own arguments, or the arguments given to its lambda/block. 🤦‍♂️


init = 0
(1..10).reduce(init) do |accumulator, iteration| 
  accumulator + iteration  
end # 55
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init = 0
Enum.reduce(1..10, init, fn iteration, accumulator ->
  accumulator + iteration
end) # 55
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And now, (thank you,) Javascript:

function union(a, ...b) {
  return b.reduce((accumulator, iteration) => [...accumulator, ...iteration], a)
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eecolor profile image

Haha, yeah. In Scala you have foldLeft and foldRight, where foldLeft has it as the first argument and foldRight as the second argument.

paulsmithkc profile image
Paul Smith

This instantiates n+1 new arrays (where n is the number of arrays), when you could have just used a for loop to instantiate 1 new array.

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eecolor profile image

Did you read the comment of @josh to which I replied?

Granted, the spread operator being used in the returned array like this means you'll be generating copies upon copies upon copies, but you asked for an arity-agnostic refactor, not a performant one 😜