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Effy L.H.
Effy L.H.

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LeetCode 1470. Shuffle the Array


The logic of this problem is quite simple:

  1. treat the given array which is divided at the position n as two parts.
  2. use n as the iterator(reduce the cost of For Loop to O(len(array)/2)), then add each element into the result array

I made two submissions to solve this problem, all the lines are the same except one line inside the For Loop , which made a huge difference in the time complexity.


  • faster than 39.93%:
class Solution:
    def shuffle(self, nums: List[int], n: int) -> List[int]:
        for i in range(n):
        return result
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  • faster than 95.78%:
class Solution:
    def shuffle(self, nums: List[int], n: int) -> List[int]:
        for i in range(n):
        return result

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result+=[nums[i],nums[i+n]] has the same effect as:

# O(k),k is the number of elements inside the extending list 
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result+=[nums[i]]+[nums[i+n]]has the same effect as:

result.append(nums[i]) # O(1)
result.append(nums[i+1]) # O(1)
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I wrote a complement post to this topic:


We're familiar with those methods, but we still need to pay attention about the time complexity and make the most appropriate choice.
Method Time Complexity:
append() O(1)
insert() O(n)
extend() O(k)

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