At the end of 2018 I set a goal for myself: I wanted to speak at one conference. Little did I know that I would have the privilege of speaking at n...
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Totally agreeing.
It's like
Math isn't for everyone
orTech isn't for everyone
.If you don't practice the stuff, you're bad at it.
If you're bad at it, you feel very uncomfortable doing it.
Thanks for being so supportive
Thanks Emma! Really insightful
For someone with a full time job that is not devrel how do propose they speak at conference when there's limited time to do this?
Unfortunately I take vacation days! It's not optimal, which is why I'm going to start charging a speaker fee, but it's sadly one of the few options.
If I may jump into this: Have you ever thought about DevRel and doing this as part of your job?
Yep - I don't think I'd want to do this full time
Simon, for us that have considered it and still think we want to do it; do you have any advice? 😅
It depends on your employer. They can use you speaking there to promote the company. So in my case I didn't have to take vacation days. Still I didn't get any time of to prepare, so there's still it takes a lot of spare time to prepare.
Lots of great info, thanks so much!! Speaking at a conference is on my 2020 "dream-comes-true" list. 😄
(The links in the post seem to redirect through Medium.com, maybe an oversight?)
Greta write up. Thanks for this! I love speaking at conferences and also being a convener for sessions. Convening a session also a lot of fun and work, You get to meet and coordinate with people all interested in the same topic.
I only got to speak at one conference this year. The Euopean Geosciences Union annual conference in Vienna, Austria. Hoping next year to do more speaking engagements.
This is so inspiring. I have always wanted to be a speaker and hopefully I'll be a prolific one someday. My first tech conference was when I attended AWS re:invent. At the time I was a young girl from a small village in Africa, Kenya. Everything was amazing and seemed I was inside a chip. I was in a panel discussion on diversity series. It was my very first time in-front of thousands of people. Wow! I was so nervous yet so excited. This piece is a wake up call to get up and explore what the world of tech has to offer!!
Thank you Emma.
That would be totally awesome! 🤗 Will PM in a bit. 😄
Awesome tips, Emma! Thanks for sharing. I'm curious if you need to have a lot of experience speaking at small gatherings or anything similar in order for your CFP to be accepted. Have you encountered different requirements in regards to past speaking experiences?
Thanks for another great post Emma, it's really inspiring to see all you've accomplished this year.
Thanks Helen!
Being asked to speak at a conference is a dream 😍.
You mentioned having to use vacation days. Did those conference that asked you to speak cover travel/lodging?
They have always covered travel & lodging, otherwise I couldn't afford it :)
Hi Emma, It's such an insightful post.
I have attended my very first conference this year and ever since want to speak one myself and that's why I have decided to start speaking with the local community meetups before actually trying for the big ones.
Your article gives me confidence in how I should prepare myself for the same.
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Hi Emma, thanks for sharing! Does your employer support you or do you have to do it in your free time?
They support me to an extent but I do use vacation days!
Quite Interesting article
Related to speaker fees:
@@emmawedekind where can get all your conf. pictures. ?
This seems like an amazing experience, this is my goal for the future!
Quite Motivational :)
Do they all pay the travel costs, at least? And do any of them pay for the hotel?
It is truly a well-researched content and excellent wording.