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Emmett Naughton
Emmett Naughton

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Bet on me in 2023

Cross post from

I don't make asks very often. I try to give way more value to others and see them win, but this year 2023 is the year I ask for what I want, and what I deserve.

What I am looking for

  • Remote role
  • A place to grow and help others
  • Build meaningful things/support meaningful missions

My experience in the Emergency Room is a benefit to you!

Talking to patients in stressful situations. A lot of times the worst day of their life. Making sure they felt comfortable and heard about their problems and struggles. Translates directly to taking care of customers who have questions and complaints.

Running a Community Slack Channel

Another skill I have is running and building community. I run a community for Dads that Code. #CoderDads

Building a community around Dads that have similar stories to mine has given me a lot of pride and hope for the future. Dads getting to buy their first house, Dads doubling their salary from selling car tires to being a developer.

It's also taught me that I am not alone in the journey and to share my daily struggles.

2023: I'm gonna bet on me, and so should you.

I will bring the ability to build meaningful products, and build customer relationships that will last and turn your customers into advocates for your product. I have the skills and ability to jump right in and start building. Let's chat.

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