DEV Community

Discussion on: Pathogen - The Best Plugin Manager for vim

fenetikm profile image
Michael Welford

One of the nice things about Vim Plug is that you can do lazy loading which can speed up loading of Vim.


Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }

Which means that it won't load NerdTree until NerdTreeToggle is fired.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I like using a plugin manager like this where my plugins are defined in my .vimrc because I can bootstrap it from my dotfiles repo without having to add a load of submodules. Makes my repo simpler.

pmihaylov profile image
Preslav Mihaylov

That's pretty interesting!

I didn't know that.

However, I haven't had any too-long-startup-time issues yet with VIM. But if I do encounter such, I will definitely give it a try! :)

fenetikm profile image
Michael Welford

Heh well I guess it depends on what "too long" means - for me that is greater than 200ms all up ;)