In this episode we talk Gradle with the amazing and awesome Annyce Davis. We deal with the basics of Android's build system and dabble with some tips on improving your build times.
Also we released our first ever Fragmented T-shirt in collaboration with another amazing GDE Taylor Ling of AndroidTee fame.
Show Notes
- Annyce's talk where she mentions Cyclomatic complexity []
- OffGrid Electric
- Corey Latislaw on TDD and Testing []
- Annyce Davis' videos
- DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph []
- DAG discussion on Fragmented - Seek to 18:35
What commands does Andorid Studio's gradle aware make perform? []
- MakeBeforeRunTaskProvider source []
- Creating a Gradle Plugin
- Use apply from in gradle to include external files
- Learn Groovy
- Gradle dry run flag []
- Madis Pink - Optimizing gradle build time : Droidcon Paris []
Annyce's talks & videos:
- Be a good citizen: Develop Maintainable apps []
- videos
Fragmented T-shirt
- Annyce @brwngrldev []
- @fragmentedcast []
- @donnfelker []
- @kaushikgopal []