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Frida Nyvall
Frida Nyvall

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Importing Styles to Component Style Tags in Nuxt.js

In Vue.js projects, there are different ways of importing styles to a project. See the article “Importing Style Files to Component Style Tags in Vue.js” for more info.

In Nuxt.js projects, there are similar ways of importing styles, however with some slight differences.

Importing Global Styles in Component Style Tags

Importing global styles to be used in component style tags. A convenient way of not having to import certain files manually every time for every component. This is meant for adding the type of SCSS files that contains mixins and variables that will not generate any output before they are being used in a context. This is because it will be added to each component’s CSS when imported.

Making this type of import has been made available natively in Vue.js, but Nuxt.js still seems to be in need of the style-resources plugin. In the project folder, run:
npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/style-resources

Add the following to your nuxt.config file:

  ** Nuxt.js modules
  modules: [

  styleResources: {
    //array of strings that are paths to the file:
    scss: ['~assets/styles/globalvariables.scss']

:src Imports

Importing separate style files in the style tag by using “src” imports seems to work the same for Nuxt.js as in Vue.js.

For example pages/subfolder/filename.scss can be used with for example pages/subfolder/index.vue. This works for normal as well as scoped style tags. Thanks to Georgiy Bukharov for also showing that it works with the module tag.

<!--Normal example-->
<style src="./filename.scss" lang="scss">
    //Note that any other styles here are ignored.
    //Only the styles in the src import are being used.
<!--Scoped styles-->
<style scoped src="./filename.scss" lang="scss">
    //Note that any other styles here are ignored
    //Only the styles in the src import are being used.
<!--CSS Module styles-->
   <p :class="$style.classname">Remember to add the classes with js.</p>

<!--Remember to add the '.module' suffix just before the file extension.-->
<style module src="./filename.module.scss" lang="scss">
    //Note that any other styles here are ignored
    //Only the styles in the src import are being used.

To read more about src imports in Vue, see the section “:src Imports” in the article “Importing Style Files to Component Style Tags in Vue.js”.

Start Setup

Note that both setup, plugins and framework are evolving. Changes will in time most certainly happen that make the techniques described in this post less relevant.

I’ve used create-nuxt-app version 2.10.0 to set up the project. When setting up the project, I chose NPM as package manager and jsconfig.json as development tool (only choice available and recommended for VS Code).

Top comments (2)

souljorje profile image
Georgiy Bukharov

Thx for the article!

U can use css-module (or scss) in this case as well. E.g.:

<style lang="scss" module src="@/assets/styles/components/card.module.scss"/>
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Need to suffix file with .module and then you can use it :)

fridanyvall profile image
Frida Nyvall

Thank you for letting me know! I will update the article to include this as well :).