Topics include:
- Why you should think of SPAs as desktop apps instead of web apps
- Strategies for pushing complexity out of your backend and on to the client
- Building optimistic UIs
- Best practices for storing and retrieving data
- Why you should design your SPAs with an "offline-first" mindset
- Cloudinary, sign up and get 300,000 images/videos, 10GB of storage and 20GB of monthly bandwidth for free
- Rollbar, sign up at and install Rollbar in your app to receive a $100 gift card for Open Collective
- EmberMap, Sam's Ember.js training site
- Cruddy by Design, Adam's talk on modeling with resources
- Progressive Enhacement is Dead, Long Live Progressive Enhancement, a talk from Tom Dale that talks about building offline-first web applications
- Ember Data
- Ember-Orbit