Topics include:
- How Vue focuses on making things easy at the cost of a more complex API, while React focuses on keeping things simple at the cost of a steeper learning curve
- How to translate Vue's computed properties to React using the useMemo hook
- How to translate Vue's watchers to React using the useEffect hook
- How to translate Vue's v-model to React using value props and event listeners
- How to translate Vue's events to React using callback props
- How to translate Vue's slots to React by passing JSX as a normal prop
- How to handle transitions in React with libraries like Pose
- DigitalOcean, get your free $100 credit at
- Cloudinary, sign up and get 300,000 images/videos, 10GB of storage and 20GB of monthly bandwidth for free
- Why I prefer React over Vue, from Sebastian's blog
- React docs
- Introducing Hooks at React Conf
- Hooks docs
- Vue Template Explorer
- Pose, animation library for React and Vue
-, Dan Abramov's React blog