Topics include:
- What is serverless?
- What AWS services Vapor manages and how they are billed
- Using a single RDS instance with multiple databases
- Understanding cold boots with Lambda and how to minimize the effect they have on your application's performance
- Performance on Vapor
- How queues work with Vapor
- Tuning your queue concurrency based on your database connection limit
- Strategies for preventing your web instances and queue instances from competing for resources
- How scheduled tasks work with Vapor
- How file uploads work with Vapor
- Limitations when running code on Lambda and strategies for working around them
- DigitalOcean, get your free $50 credit at
- Cloudinary, sign up and get 300,000 images/videos, 10GB of storage and 20GB of monthly bandwidth for free
- Laravel Vapor
- Intro to Laravel Vapor, Taylor's talk at Laracon