DEV Community

Germán Aliprandi
Germán Aliprandi

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Introducing react-tools: A Toolbox for Streamlining React Development


Introducing @galiprandi/react-tools: A Toolbox for Streamlining React Development

Are you looking to simplify your React development process? Look no further than @galiprandi/react-tools. This comprehensive package offers a range of intuitive utilities designed to enhance your React applications. Let's explore some of its key components and hooks:


Before diving into the details, why not take a test drive? Visit the @galiprandi/react-tools Playground to experiment with the components firsthand.


Getting started is a breeze. Simply install the package using your preferred package manager:

npm i @galiprandi/react-tools
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pnpm i @galiprandi/react-tools
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
yarn add @galiprandi/react-tools
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


<Form />

Simplify form creation with the <Form /> component. This component wraps the form HTML tag, offering a straightforward approach to building forms in your React application. Additional props like onSubmitValues and filterEmptyValues provide enhanced functionality.

<Input />

Enhance user input experiences with the <Input /> component. This reusable input wrapper adds consistency to your forms and accepts various props for customization, including label, onChangeValue, and debounceDelay.

<DateTime />

Need date and time input functionality? Look no further than the <DateTime /> component. This wrapper around the native input element with type="datetime-local" offers convenient date selection with additional props for customization.

<Dialog />

Create accessible dialogs and modals effortlessly with the <Dialog /> component. This wrapper around the dialog HTML tag simplifies dialog creation, with options for defining behavior, callbacks, and content.

<Observer />

Track element visibility with the <Observer /> component. Whether you're implementing lazy loading images or infinite scrolling, this component offers a straightforward solution for monitoring viewport interactions.



Streamline asynchronous operations with the useDebounce() hook. This simple yet powerful hook accepts a value and delay, returning a debounced value to optimize performance.


Your contributions are valuable! Whether it's bug fixes, feature enhancements, or documentation improvements, contributions are welcome. Simply fork the repository, make your changes, and open a pull request.


@galiprandi/react-tools is licensed under the MIT License, providing flexibility for both personal and commercial use.

Ready to simplify your React development workflow? Install @galiprandi/react-tools today and experience the difference firsthand. Happy coding!

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