01:13 – Pamela Podcasting, Since…well, FOREVER!
02:19 – Pamela’s Superpower: Solving Random Problems with Software
05:19 – Becoming a “Reluctant Coder” i.e. Coding Out of Necessity
10:58 – Battlestar Galactica => Greek Mythology => Space => Astrophysics
14:52 – Doing What You Have To Do vs Doing What You Love To Do
20:27 – The Goal of Podcasting and Target Audience
23:57 – Understanding and Knowing Everything: Good? Bad?
26:03 – Outsourcing Work as a Personal Loss and The Internet’s Graveyard of Abandoned Projects
32:06 – Open Sourcing Work Yourself for the Benefit of Others
36:58 – Writing Software to Engage People
44:22 – Crowdsourcing Requires Trust but Garners Better Results
48:02 – The Motivation of Citizen Scientists
Jessica: The layers of people in software and people in software and how we’re all learning. It gets hard to separate the people from the technology.
Also, having goals you DON’T want to achieve.
Coraline: Seeing crowdsourcing being successful.
Jamey: Curiosity isn’t necessarily about finding out the answer. It’s the pursuit of the magic.
The tenuous path we all take in life, and what decisions cause us to be on the right path to the right here, right now.
Pamela: If we collaborate with the technology, maybe we won’t get silenced.
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Special Guest: Pamela Gay.