02:10 – Kale’s Origin Story
05:10 – Connecting Through Story and Voice
08:17 – Communicating Through Text vs Communicating Through Speech
12:43 – Kale’s Superpower: Facilitating the Voices of Other People
17:28 – Running Unconventional Events and Conferences; Trust and Taking Risks
25:10 – Creating Opportunities and Accepting Offerings
27:49 – Encouraging Diverse Attendance and Making People Feel Welcome
38:45 – Interpreting Intentions, Actions, and Reactions; Centering Yourself and Being Vulnerable
Kale: People matter.
Jamey: Helping people be heard both physically and metaphorically.
Astrid: Trust fall into the universe.
Rein: Building the stage so that other people can speak from it makes a great ally.
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Special Guest: Kale Kaposhilin.
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- Cloud City Development: Cloud City Development is happy to support our coding community and especially Greater than Code. The Cloud City team are expert software programmers and designers with a strong desire to see more diversity in tech, more kindness on teams, and better tools. Please let them know if you’d like their hard work, mentorship, or sense of humor. They’re a B-Corporation because they believe in sustainability and they’d like to build with you. Please reach out by emailing hello@cloudcity.io.
- O'Reilly Media: Support for the Greater Than Code podcast comes from O’Reilly Fluent and Velocity conferences. Taking place in San Jose, California, June 11-14, it’s the best place to get the latest in software development, performance, operations, resilience, and so much more. Register before March 30th to lock in Best Price. And use discount code GTC20 to save an additional 20% on most passes! Learn more at oreilly.com/bettertogether. Promo Code: GTC20