01:53 – Kerri’s Superpower: Looking ahead to the future.
08:33 – Community Gatekeeping and Contempt Culture
Liz Baillie: The Illustrated Adventure Survival Guide for New Rustaceans @ RustConf 2016
16:03 – The Contextual Framing of Storytelling
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
31:50 – Retaining Information and Explaining Things to Others
44:05 – Technical Jargon: Tactical and Strategic
47:39 – Storytelling is Everywhere
Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
52:50 – Telling Stories Over and Over and Over and Over and Over …
55:53 – Crafting the Elements of a Story
Avdi Grimm: Confident Code at Cascadia Ruby 2011
01:01:39 – What the heck is a Lackwit Gadabout?
Sam: The distinction between behavior and identity.
Christina: Storytelling is super important.
Jamey: It’s helpful to care about something before you learn it.
Kerri: Next time you do a Git commit, don’t do -m.
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Special Guest: Kerri Miller.
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