Manning Publications has been kind enough to give our listeners a discount code. They're giving listeners of the show a permanent 40% discount, which is good for all products in all formats for everyone. Again, this is a PERMANENT discount code for all Greater Than Code listeners. Use the code PODGREAT20 every time you shop Manning.
02:30 - Emily’s Superpower: Finding all the dogs to pet.
05:05 - Emily’s Data Science Journey
- Organization Behavior
- Qualitative / Quantitative
- Research: Women in STEM Fields
08:21 - The Idea of Passion
- Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing
- Gatekeeping
10:46 - Defining Data Science
- Analytics
- Decision Science
- Machine Learning
13:48 - Emily’s Book: Build a Career in Data Science
16:11 - Dealing with Failure
18:30 - Sponsorship
- Emily’s Post on Sponsorship: The Importance of Sponsorship
20:08 - The Spread of Data Science Roles
- Strengthening Job-Critical Skills
27:09 - Sponsorship (Cont’d)
- Sponsorship vs Mentorship
- Having a Solid Community / Network
- Capital
- Smaller Acts of Mentorship
- Sponsorship and Mentorship Work Best When There's a Concrete, Stated Goal
- Mentorship Should Be Part of Our Formal Career Ladder
36:20 - Themes Learned From Writing Build a Career in Data Science
- Communication Skills
- Proactivity
- Community (Network is Important)
40:02 - Companies Should Train People to be Mentors
43:07 - Measuring Productivity
- Thinking Fast and Slow
- How to Measure Anything
- The Tyranny of Metrics
- Engineering Career Development at Etsy
45:48 - External vs Internal Data Science
- People Scientists
47:18 - Women and Diverse Representation in Data Science
- Groups & Resources
- Why Women Are Flourishing In R Community But Lagging In Python
Avdi: Mentorship does not have to be a huge commitment to be useful and sponsorship is often as important -- or more important than mentorship.
Chanté: What are the things that we’re willing to do for people who need an extra boost or push or support?
Jacob: Mentorship is possible without the mentors knowing they’re even doing it.
Rein: If you’re a mentor and your mentees aren’t coming to you with well-formed questions, it’s your job to coach them into that as a mentor.
Emily: There aren’t enough resources for senior engineers on the non-technical side of things.
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Special Guest: Emily Robinson.
Sponsored By:
- strongDM: Today’s show is sponsored by strongDM. Transitioning your team to work from home? Managing a gazillion SSH keys, database passwords, and Kubernetes certs? Meet strongDM. Manage and audit access to servers, databases, and Kubernetes clusters, no matter where your employees are. With strongDM, easily extend your identity provider to manage infrastructure access. Automate onboarding, offboarding, and moving people within roles. Grant temporary access that automatically expires to on-call teams. Admins get full auditability into anything anyone does: when they connect, what queries they run, what commands are typed. It’s full visibility into everything. For SSH, RDP, and Kubernetes, that means video replays. For databases, it’s a single unified query log across all database management systems. strongDM is used by companies like Hearst, Peloton, Betterment, Greenhouse, and SoFi to manage access. It’s more control and less hassle. strongDM. Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure”. Start your free 14-day trial today at