DEV Community

Sylvain PHILIP
Sylvain PHILIP

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Piko Framework overview

Today I would like to make a presentation on the Piko, a new one in the PHP frameworks landscape.

Piko is a lightweight, fast and flexible PHP micro framework. It is easy to learn and use, and probably making it a great choice for web development.


I'm the author of Piko and the project started in 2019. My primary idea was to embed a micro-framework library with a small footprint in a distributed application and working like Yii2 framework but keeping only the essential to build a Web application.

With this idea in mind, I decided to write the library and given its name "Piko", an assembly of "Pico" and "Peak" in one word. "Pico" for lightness and "Peak" for precision.


In the actual state, Piko comes with:

  • A middleware interface
  • A blazing fast router
  • A modular MVC routing
  • A simple rendering engine (using PHP templates)
  • An event handler
  • A model helper

Additional features (in separate packages):

  • A i18n component
  • An Active Record component
  • A user session component

Each of these components has been well tested.

Moreover, Piko is compliant with good practices and PHP standards. It works well with third-party libraries that follow these standards too.


To have a look on a basic application made with Piko, you can scaffold a project on the command line using composer:

composer create-project piko/project yourproject
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Then you can launch the project using the built-in PHP web server:

cd yourproject
php -S localhost:8080 -t web
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Real use cases

These websites were built with Piko:

More info

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