DEV Community

Discussion on: What do you think about the idea that "there should be only one way of doing a thing" in programming languages?

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Snipe: if only they kept that philosophy to package management.


taillogs profile image
Ryland G

That shit is a disaster. I don’t really use python and that’s definitely a contributing factor. Why should I have to use venv?

autoferrit profile image
Shawn McElroy

Totally agree. I love python and is often my goto. But its been so bad for so long. It IS getting better. pyenv/pipenv make it way better for one. pipenv still isn't what you need if you are publishing libraries on pypi, but I think its a good start in the right direction.

The packaging should be built in. To me, Rust/Cargo so far has some of the best packaging around.