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Wireless Hacking 101: How to Crack WiFi Passwords

Wireless hacking is a process of gaining unauthorized access to a wireless network. It can be used to gain access to an Internet connection, to sniff out sensitive information, or even to gain access to a computer system. Wireless hacking can be done with a variety of tools and techniques, and it is becoming increasingly popular due to advances in technology and the availability of wireless networks.

Demonstrate how to use a brute-force attack to crack a WiFi password.

A brute force attack is an attempt to crack a WiFi password by systematically trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. Here are the steps to perform a brute force attack on a WiFi network:

  1. Download and install Kali linux operating system which can you find inbuilt wifi hacking tools

  2. Scan for available WiFi networks in your area and select the one you want to hack.

  3. Enter the target network's name and click “start” to begin the attack.

  4. Type in the possible password combinations that you think might be the right one.

  5. The software will try each combination until it finds the correct one.

  6. Once the correct password is found, the software will display the message “successful”.

  7. You can now access the WiFi network using the cracked password.

Clicked To Visit Full Article Originally Published On:-08/01/23

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