Update 3/7/24
For a modern Angular Firebase App, see my latest post:
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Type casting is not working here:
Yes, Angular Firebase is definitely not perfected code with Firebase 9. You can get around that with:
hello, I'm facing an error with firebase auth / angular. I well configure my Angular app module with provideAuth(() => getAuth()) under providers sections but even when including no code related to Auth inside my app, I get
SyntaxError: Unexpected number in JSON at position 2 (line 1 column 3)
related with file_/scs/abc-static/_/js/k=gapi.lb.fr.MtA0XocprA0.O/m=gapi_iframes/rt=j/sv=1/d=1/ed=1/am=AAAg/rs=AHpOoo90Qw_OxY6asHlYoeK8rr6SbH-ghg
firebase did work with firestore
provideFirestore(() => getFirestore())
but not with Auth.I don't know at all what to do since I execute no code yet linked with auth inside my components...
Can someone help?
Help... :(
Read my updated article on this - this article is out-of-date - code.build/p/angular-todo-app-with... - make sure you're using
I have been scouring the internet for 24 hours looking for an example of how to implement the new AngularFire Auth API!! thank you!!!
Thank you. This has been very useful today. I'm starting a new project and want to use the new APIs but the lack of documentation is infuriating.
HI: This code doesn't work with 7.4.1 and angular 14.
this.user$ = user(auth).pipe(
switchMap((user: User | null) =>
? docData(doc(this.afs, 'users', user.uid))
as Observable
: of(null)
Thanks so much for this! You wrote "I may update this with more items..." and I cant' wait. We need articles like this, bc the official @angular/angularfire documentation is awful.
Is there something you specifically need? If so I can add it!
Nothing specific, just more of that juicy stuff - the more the better.
Thanks. I was loosing my sanity over the official docs.
Very good reference and crisp representation of the required imports & implementation without any fluff. Thank you.
great article
do u have anywhare u go in details about the use of collections search where, pagination... in angular 12+ firestore 9 (angularfire 7)
Yes, just look at the
examples above. Pagination will uselimit()
as usual, just import them.Great reference, thank you. Turns out when you step away from AngularFire for a year+ several things change lol.
Exellent resource. I am currently working on a tutorial using Angular 12 with firebase 9.
You saved a life today. Thank you
When adding a new document to firestore, how do we tell it to auto generate id? If I don't put id in doc() it gives me an error.