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João Antunes
João Antunes

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Simplify unit tests on static methods in C#


This post will be simple and try to act as a discussion starter on unit testing static methods.

I'm not the greatest fan of making static stuff, mainly because I've been burned by it in the past (the fact is that static was being used badly in those cases, but even so, if I can, I'll avoid it) but I understand it's the best way to do things sometimes.

One of the problems that might arise when using static methods is how to test them (and test the code that uses them, but this is even a bigger problem that I've not seen a great solution for).

When our methods are simple and, mainly, don't use any shared state, we're good, we can just test them as any other method. But a problem arises when we use shared state in a static method: when we have multiple unit tests, given test frameworks may execute them in parallel, how do we guarantee one test doesn't mess with another?

The idea I use (not my idea, I've read about it some years ago, and recently saw a Twitter thread talking about such issues and thought of writing this post) is to implement the required logic in a "normal" non static class, that we can design as usual, with DI as we .NET developers love so much :P Then we implement a static class that acts as a wrapper over the class that contains the logic, having a private instance of the latter and forwarding any calls to it.


Let's go for an example (way too simple, but it think it's enough): I want to implement an extension method on int that returns a string with the length equal to the int - string GetStringWithNLength(this int n). Now for some reason I don't want to create a new string every time, and want to cache the results. Here we have our shared state.

So, as I mentioned, I'd start by creating a non-static class to hold the logic.

using System;

namespace CodingMilitia.UnitTestingStaticsSample.Library
    public class CacheableStuffCalculator
        private readonly ICache<int,string> _cache;

        public CacheableStuffCalculator(ICache<int,string> cache)
            _cache = cache;

        public string GetStringWithNLength(int n)
            return _cache.GetOrAdd(n, nAgain => new string('n', nAgain));
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Then we implement the static wrapper, that knows how to construct the CacheableStuffCalculator and provide its dependencies, and then forward any calls to it.

namespace CodingMilitia.UnitTestingStaticsSample.Library
    public static class StaticCacheableStuffCalculatorWrapper
        private static readonly CacheableStuffCalculator CalculatorInstance;

        static StaticCacheableStuffCalculatorWrapper()
            CalculatorInstance = new CacheableStuffCalculator(new SampleCache<int,string>());

        public static string GetStringWithNLength(this int n)
            return CalculatorInstance.GetStringWithNLength(n);
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With this in place, it's pretty easy to make our unit tests on CacheableStuffCalculator as we usually do, avoiding problems with shared state.

using System;
using Xunit;
using Moq;

namespace CodingMilitia.UnitTestingStaticsSample.Library.Tests
    public class GetStringWithNLengthTest
        public void GivenLength1ReturnsStringWithLength1()
            var cacheMock = new Mock<ICache<int, string>>();

            cacheMock.Setup(cache => cache.GetOrAdd(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<Func<int, string>>()))
                     .Returns((int key, Func<int, string> valueProvider) => valueProvider(key));

            var calculator = new CacheableStuffCalculator(cacheMock.Object);

            var result = calculator.GetStringWithNLength(1);

            Assert.Equal(1, result.Length);
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Wrapping up

And that's about it. I think it's pretty simple and a nice solution. So much so, I thought it was the usual way people did this kind of thing. But as I mentioned, I saw a thread on Twitter recently debating on how to do unit tests in these kinds of scenarios, and thought of putting this on a post.

So, how would you do it? Does this seem like a nice approach or you know of better ways? Share your thoughts!


PS: sample code here
PS #2: originally posted here

Oldest comments (2)

laconic23donetsk profile image

I'm just a newbie in unit-tests.
But thanks for the article.
it's an interesting approach.

joaofbantunes profile image
João Antunes
