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Cool uses of the ::before and ::after pseudoelements

Kevin Ball on March 28, 2019

I have a confession to make: I kind of love the ::before and ::after pseudoelements. They’re like a couple of henchmen along on any styling advent...
elarcis profile image
Elarcis • Edited

One use that ::before and ::after allows for is also to extend the clickable area of interactive elements such as buttons and links: instead of making an element (say, a card) clickable and having it emulates the link behavior, use an actual anchor tag, set its ::after with absolute positionning so that it wraps the whole element.

The benefit is that you keep both your interactivity semantic (as it’s still the link that is clicked) and the browser’s expected behavior (ctrl-click to open in a new tab, etc.).

fluffy profile image

What's the difference between :before and ::before? I use :before all the time but I'd never seen the double-colon syntax before.

kball profile image
Kevin Ball

There's a bit of a history here... essentially, these were originally shipped with single colons :before and :after. Later, the committees decided they should draw a distinction between pseudo-elements (of which these are) and pseudoselectors, so they

  1. Declared all future pseudoelements would only be accessible with 2 colons
  2. Declared that really you should probably use 2 colons for ::before and ::after, but browsers would continue to support single.

TBH, I typically still use single colon (and I think many folks who started in CSS quite a while ago still do), but when I originally published with that there were some very loud complainers, to the extent that it seemed to be distracting from the point of the article, so I updated to use double in the text.

fluffy profile image

Ah, that makes total sense. And yeah I've been using :before and :after ever since they became a part of CSS (even before they were widely-supported), so seeing the :: versions caught me by surprise.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification! It all makes sense in retrospect, although it still seems weird to me that they decided that there needs to be specific syntax for pseudo-elements vs. pseudo-classes. It doesn't seem likely that they'd ever allow the two to collide, for example...

defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov

There are a bunch of good answers.


  • :: - pseudo-classes
  • : - pseudo-elements
fluffy profile image

I'm not really clear on the distinction of what one does vs. the other, from a practical standpoint, but at least that led me to this explanation of the difference which... seems that it's the other way around? :: seems to be pseudo-element and : seems to be pseudo-class.

I think what I got from that link is that :: specifies things that modify the DOM (i.e. a false element) whereas : specifies things that query against existing objects in the DOM (i.e. a false class), and so I at least kinda-sorta see why that would exist, but it also seems that user-agents are going to have to support : for the legacy pseudo-elements for quite some time. But this will help me out if I ever run into trouble with a new pseudo-element that a browser correctly distinguishes syntactically.

scriptex profile image
Atanas Atanasov

You can actually create a whole website only with pseudo elements (and one html tag) -