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Kenichiro Nakamura
Kenichiro Nakamura

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C# : How to unit test Graph SDK with Select Query

I post Unit testing Microsoft Graph SDK Client with moq library the other day, but I encounter a challenge when I need to write a bit more complex query.

Graph SDK with SELECT query

I use following code to get GraphUser object, which I specify several fields explicitly by using SELECT Linq.

Microsoft.Graph.User graphUser = await this.graphServiceClient.Users["<userId>"]
    .Select(u => new
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Unit Test

This is the mock I use to cover above code. There maybe better way to do it but it's working anyway :)

Mock<IAuthenticationProvider> mockedIAuthenticationProvider = new ();
Mock<IHttpProvider> mockedIHttpProvider = new ();
Mock<GraphServiceClient> mockedGraphServiceClient = new (mockedIAuthenticationProvider.Object, mockedIHttpProvider.Object);
mockedGraphServiceClient.Setup(x => x.Users[It.IsAny<string>()]
    .Select(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Microsoft.Graph.User, object>>>())
    .ReturnsAsync(new Microsoft.Graph.User() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), BusinessPhones = new List<string>(), GivenName = "Test" });
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I use It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Microsoft.Graph.User, object>>>() as an argument to Select method which covers any combination of properties.

Hope this article will help myself in the future as I shall forget this sooner or later.

Latest comments (2)

sanoojvs profile image
Sanooj V S • Edited

@kenakamu do you have unit test code for NUnit framework? I have exactly same logic to get GraphUser object.

I can Substitute for (IGraphServiceUsersCollectionRequestBuilder). But I am not able to Returns(the Microsoft User object) to collection request builder object.

kenakamu profile image
Kenichiro Nakamura

I haven't personally tried nunit but it should work quite similar way