conda info --envs
Verify environment you are right now
conda info -e
Get a list of all my environmentsActive environment shown with *
conda create --name snowflakes biopython
conda create -n snowflakes biopython
Create an environment and install program(s)
conda activate snowflakes
Activate the new environment to use it
conda deactivate
Deactivate the environment
conda create -n bunnies python=3.9 astroid
Create a new environment, specify Python version
conda create -n foo instrain awscli samtools python=3.8
Create a new environment with a set of packages and specific version of Python
conda create -n flowers --clone snowflakes
Make exact copy of an environment
conda remove -n flowers --all
Delete an environment
conda env list
List all envs
conda env export > env.yml
Save the current Package-specific environment to a file
conda env export --file env.yml
Saving an entire environment to a file
conda env export --from-history > env.yml
Save the current Cross-platform compitible environment to a file
conda env create -f env.yml
Load the Package-specific environment from a file
conda env update -n coolbase --file environment.yml
install and/or update packages from environment.yml
conda env remove --name bamqc
Remove Virtual Environment
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-arm64 conda create -n test_env --dry-run python=3.8 llvm-openmp cython numpy pip "matplotlib-base>=3.0.3" "protobuf >=3.11.2,<4.0.0" "scipy >=1.3.2,<2.0.0"
Conda dry run environment on a specific platform
for py in 3.8 3.9 3.10; do echo -e "\n***** python $py *****"; conda create --dry-run --quiet -n __test__ python=$py pandas=1.4.2; done
Conda dry run creating an environment and installing packages (pandas 1.4.2) for different python versions
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