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Nathan S.R.
Nathan S.R.

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Running Servers Through VirtualBox

Ever wanted to run your Servers through VirtualBox OR Don't have the time or resources to run a full bare-metal hypervisors like ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V or KVM ?

Yes, it's quite possible to do so. Just follow this guide along and you would be able to get a Server up and running in a few minutes.

Requirements :

  1. Attach the Network to a Bridged Adapter in the Virtual Machine's Settings and Choose a Ethernet Card Network Adapter. Needless to say, the machine must be connected to your Router with a LAN cable and the Router Powered ON. If the Router has an enabled DHCP server inside, then the VM will be able to get an ip address from it quickly, after starting up.

Refer Screenshot Below :

Bridged Adapter

  1. Enable the "Remote Desktop Discovery" / "Turn on Network Discovery" from the Guest Windows Start Menu OR if your Guest Server is a LINUX Type, then install the avahi-daemon package, from your terminal package manager like apt, yum etc., for enabling network discovery. This will help your Server to get an easy host name resolution over the LAN, instead of using ip address each time. Your Server name will be something like ( with .local suffix automatically added to it ) :



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That's all. If you are further interested, my open source project profile page has a number of such ready-to-use servers, here :

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