DEV Community

What are your go to podcasts? šŸŽ§

Lou Willoughby on April 14, 2022

I, myself have quite a few podcasts I listen to depending on my mood, whether I want to learn something new, Iā€™m going for a walk or generally just...
sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day ā€¢


jonlauridsen profile image
Jon Lauridsen ā€¢ ā€¢ Edited

Mob Mentality Show, they got some really amazing guests and great insights into ways of working with software and thinking in agile and Lean principles:

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese ā€¢

+1 for Syntax FM
Also .net rocks, especially the geek-out episodes.

Freelancer podcast from devchat. Not prolific but the back catalogue is full of useful stuff. Same with the MFCEO if you don't mind F-bombs. Akimbo and freakonomics for thought provoking social impact.
Back catalogue of 2 keto dudes for health and diet.
3 legs 4 wheels for F1 news and opinion

matthewsalerno profile image
matthew-salerno ā€¢

If you can manage with the subject matter, I really enjoy Sounds Like Hate by the SPLC. They do lots of deep drives into what fosters hate and hate crime, the US's history with marginalized groups, and how communities are dealing with it.
They do an especially good job at letting people who are in hate groups explain their reasoning, while still actively challenging them instead of just giving them a platform.

erinposting profile image
Erin Bensinger ā€¢

Love this question! Here are some of my favorites ā€”

Endless Thread

Hosts Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson dig into the internet's vast and curious ecosystem of online communities to find untold histories, unsolved mysteries, and other jaw-dropping stories online and IRL.



Join Madison Malone Kircher and Rachelle Hampton twice a week as they gaze deep into the online abyssā€”and tell you whatā€™s gazing back.


There Are No Girls on the Internet | iHeart

Marginalized voices have always been at the forefront of the internet, yet our stories often go overlooked. Bridget Todd chronicles our experiences online, and the ways marginalized voices have shaped the internet from the very beginning. We need monuments to all of the identities that make being online what it is. So letā€™s build them.

dinerdas profile image
Diner Das ā€¢

Syntax FM and DevNews are my go-tos.

davipon profile image
David Peng ā€¢
cyberjack profile image
CyberJack ā€¢

Darknet Diaries is one of my favorites:

lucamathuse profile image
dev-luca-mathuse ā€¢

My absolute favorite is "Developer Tea". It aims to help developers to excel at their work and manage hurdles in the daily life of a developer.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden ā€¢

The Syntax podcast.