Use Strict Mode
Many people forget to use it at the beginning, but it generally helps with performance as it throws many errors, such as undefined variables.Minimize DOM Manipulation
DOM manipulation refers to any change in the DOM, such as adding, modifying, or removing elements. These operations are heavy in JavaScript and can significantly impact performance. To optimize this, instead of using document.createElement repeatedly to add elements one by one, it's better to use document.createDocumentFragment. This method allows you to collect multiple elements and append them all at once, reducing update time and improving performance.
3.Event Delegation
What is event delegation? In simple terms, when you add an addEventListener to a button, the default behavior follows event bubbling—the event propagates from the button to its parent
Now, why is event delegation important? Instead of attaching an event listener to every individual item in a list, it's more efficient to attach it to the parent element and ensure the event is triggered only on the intended target. This reduces the number of event listeners, improving overall performance significantly.
- ** Avoid Memory Leaks ** Memory leaks occur when memory that is no longer needed remains allocated, leading to performance issues. One common cause is when an addEventListener is attached to a variable, and later, the variable is set to null without removing the event listener. In this case, the event listener still exists, consuming memory unnecessarily. The correct approach is to use removeEventListener before setting the variable to null to prevent such issues.
5.Optimize Loops
Loops can impact performance if not optimized properly. For example, when looping through an array using for, if you directly use array.length in the loop condition, JavaScript recalculates the array’s length on each iteration. A better approach is to store the array’s length in a variable before the loop starts. This way, the length is calculated once, improving efficiency and overall performance.
6.** Asynchronous Code**
Using asynchronous programming is essential when dealing with time-consuming operations that could block other code execution. The best example is fetching data from an API—if executed synchronously, it would freeze the entire application until the response arrives. Instead, using async/await ensures that the rest of the code continues running while waiting for the data, improving responsiveness and performance.
7.Browser Caching
Caching is a powerful optimization technique that stores important data locally to avoid redundant network requests. Instead of reloading resources every time the user visits the site, caching allows them to be loaded once and retrieved quickly from storage. One of the best ways to implement this is through Service Workers, which enable offline support and improve performance by caching assets efficiently.
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