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Umar khan
Umar khan

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Automatically Restart Docker Containers using systemd

Managing Docker containers with systemd ensures that your containers automatically start on boot,
restart on failure, and stop gracefully. This guide will cover the setup for Nginx.

## Step-by-Step Guide
### 1. Running Your Docker Containers**
First, start your Docker containers using the following commands:

NGIN Container

‘’’ bash
docker run -d --name=some-nginx nginx:latest-
-d: Run container in detached mode.

  • --name=some-nginx: Name the container some-nginx.. . **### 2. Creating systemd Service Unit Files **Create systemd service unit files for each container. This example will guide you through creating a service file for the NGINX container. #### Nginx Service Unit File Create the service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nginx_container.service
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Paste the following content:

Description=Nginx Docker Container
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker start -a some-nginx
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop -t 2 some-nginx
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### 3. Enabling and Starting the Services
Enable and start the services using the following commands :
**#### Nginx Service

sudo systemctl enable nginx_container.service
sudo systemctl start nginx_container.service
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**### 4. Checking Status and Logs
**Check the status and logs of each service to ensure they are running correctly:

Nginx Service Status and Logs

sudo systemctl status nginx_container.service
sudo journalctl -u nginx_container.service
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After reboot or crash of server the container automatically restar

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