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Golang Modules Tutorial


Software dependency management is an essential feature to make development process easier. Dependency management can be found in many programming languages such as npm for NodeJS, composer for PHP and others. In Golang, dependency management can be done using Golang Modules. Golang Modules introduced since Go 1.11 and Go 1.12 is released.

This tutorial will cover many things:

  • Initiate the Golang Module
  • Add a Dependency
  • Release a Dependency
  • Update a Dependency

Requirements needed for using Golang Modules is Go 1.11 or above. git is also required.

Initiate the Golang Module

Before initate a Golang Module, make sure to create a new repository in Github or other version controls (e.g. Gitlab). Then clone the repository into your local machine oustide GO_PATH.

Golang Module can be used outside GO_PATH, to initiate a Golang Module, use this command:

go mod init
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The command structure above looks like this:

The domain and module name must same with repository name that already created

            // domain                // module name
go mod init
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After module has been initiated. The go.mod file is created. go.mod file contains many libraries or dependencies that used in application.

Golang module can be created without specifying the domain. this is the example: go mod init my-go-app.

Add a dependency

Adding a dependency to application can be done using go get command. Sometimes many dependencies installation using go get -u to allow an update in the dependency. This command add a new dependency called tokenizer to do a basic text preprocessing.

go get -u
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The github repository of tokenizer can be checked here.

After dependency is added, let's implement the basic text preprocessing with tokenizer in a file called simple.go.

package go_simple_module

import (


// Preprocess returns preprocessed text
func Preprocess() []string {
    tk := pretrained.BertBaseUncased()

    sentence := `The quick brown fox jumps over the [L A Z Y D O G]`
    en, err := tk.EncodeSingle(sentence)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("tokens: %q\n", en.Tokens)
    return en.Tokens
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The code above basically do a text preprocessing in a given text in sentence variable and return the preprocessing result in a slice of string.

Release a dependency

The functionality of text preprocessing is added. Before releasing a dependency that already created. Let's create a new tag v1.0.0 for our module with this command:

git tag v1.0.0
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After the tag is created, push the local changes with the following tag with this command:

git push origin --tags
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The release step is finished. As additional note, the Golang modules is integrated very well with Git so the release step is very simple by using the git commands.

To use the dependency that already created, the step is similiar by using go get command followed with your remote repository name.

go get
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Then use the dependency in main.go file.

package main

import (

    go_simple_module ""

func main() {
    // Usage example
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tokens: ["the" "quick" "brown" "fox" "jumps" "over" "the" "[" "l" "a" "z" "y" "d" "o" "g" "]"]
[the quick brown fox jumps over the [ l a z y d o g ]]
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Update a dependency

There is a case when dependency needs to be updated for some reasons. For example bug fixes, adding new features, etc. In this case, let's add a parameter in Preprocess() function in our dependency that already created.

func Preprocess(sentence string) []string {
    tk := pretrained.BertBaseUncased()
    en, err := tk.EncodeSingle(sentence)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("tokens: %q\n", en.Tokens)
    return en.Tokens
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Based on that code, the Preprocess() function can preprocess any sentence given in the parameter, before update our dependency, let's change the version of the dependency in go.mod file by adding v2 sentence.

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This change is needed to maintain the old version of the dependency so the old version still available and to avoid the incompatible issue when the newest version of the dependency is released.

To release a newest version of the dependency, use the git tag command.

git tag v2.0.0
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Then release it with git push origin --tags command. To use the newest version of our dependency, use the go get command followed with the remote repository name that use the newest version.

go get
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The usage example in main.go can be seen below:

package main

import (

    go_simple_module ""

func main() {
    fmt.Println(go_simple_module.Preprocess("testing with parameters"))
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tokens: ["testing" "with" "parameters"]
[testing with parameters]
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Golang modules is a dependency management feature that available since Go 1.11. Golang modules is integrated very well with Git so the release and update a dependency mechanism can be done conveniently.


The additional sources for learning Golang Modules can be checked below:

I hope this article is helpful for learning Golang Modules. If you have any thoughts or feedbacks, you can write it in the discussion section below.

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