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Bryan wurfel
Bryan wurfel

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Top 10 best Jobs for English Majors

Hello Guys welcome to our Blog, Today in this post we'll talk about,10 best high salary job careers in english major.

  1. *Attorney *
    Number one we will talk about attorney. Attorney help clients with,various legal challenges can also write,documents such as wales or divorce,agreement and often work in one,speciality like family or tax law every,salary for attorney is around 65 to 90,000 us dollar per year.

  2. Public relation manager

Number two we will talk about a,public relation manager they work with,clients and team to craft promotional,campaign and public communication,materials they also build relationship,with media representative track and,monitor performance analytics every,salary for public relation manager is,around 45 to 57 000 us dollar per year.

  1. *Editor ( Proofreader) *

Number three we will talk about editor or,proofreader a successful editor or,proofreader combine attention to to,detail with in-depth knowledge of,english grammar spelling and punctuation,every salary for editor or proofreader,is around 40 to 51 000 us dollar per year.

  1. Humor resource manager

Number four we will talk about humor,resource manager and hr manager handle,all aspects of humor resource work,including recruitment employee relations,trainings communication skills is very,important to get this job every salary,for hr manager is around 60 to 91 000,u.s dollar per year.

  1. *librarian * Number 5 we will talk about a librarian,a librarian catalog arrange and manage,collection of work for people,consumption as well as help people to,find information they often also act as,an advocate for literacy and reading,program every salary is around 40 to 60,000 u.s dollar per year.

6.Marketing manager

Number six we will talk about a,marketing manager if you have a degree,in english major you can work as a,marketing manager a marketing manager,create marketing and advertising,strategies for a company product or,services every salary for a marketing,manager is around 60 to 90 000 us dollar,per year.

Number seven we will talk about a,journalist a journalist to provide the,public with the news by researching,topic interviewing eyewitness and,subject matter expert writing articles,on media platform are presenting their,work in front of cameras every salary is,around 30 to 50 000 us dollar per year.

8.Professor or lecturer
Number eight we will talk about a,professor or lecturer if you have a,degree in english major you can work as,a professor or a lecturer they work at,the post graduate level teaching,students and guiding research they,create course material assist in,improving students understanding of,specific subject and create a great,examination every salary can be 69 to 95,000 us dollar per year.Read more Online Jobs for English Majors

9.Technical writer
Number nine we will talk about technical,writer if you have a degree in english,major you can work as a technical writer,technical writer create a different,types of document like user manual and,equipment instruction every salary for a,technical writer is around 53 to 68 000,us dollar per year.

10.Social media manager
Number 10 we will talk about a social,media manager if you have a degree in,english major you can work as a social,media expert a social media manager,created content and engage with the,follower using various social media,channels of organization every salary,for a social media manager can be 35 to,45 000 us dollar per year

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